This single origin coffee is from the Guji region in the southern part of Ethiopia - a beautiful forest lands region with plenty of rain and good fertility in the soil. The coffee is grown in high altitudes of 1500-2350 meters above sea level. All of the above create the best conditions to grow coffee of high quality.
The coffee is handpicked and sourced direct trade. The light roast profile brings out a lot of fruity sweetness and acidity with taste notes of black currant and peach. The aroma is quite citrusy with notes of lemon and forest fruit. The coffee is light in body, clean and juicy in the mouthfeel.
This roast is a part of our sustainable program. Locally roasted. Zero waste packaged. Carbon neutral delivered. Recycling coffee grounds. 100% Offset. All climate neutral.
Flavor Notes: Forest Fruit - Lemon - Black currant
Shipping - 39kr
Copenhagen (zip code 1000-2500) - order before 16:00 - 1 day
Rest of Denmark - 2-4 days
Ristede kaffebønner - 1kg